Taxify finally reacts to abduction incident between their driver & Dorcas Shola Fapson
Actress, Dorcas Shola Fapson (DSF) popular for her role on “MTV Shuga” revealed how she narrowly escaped being abducted and possibly raped by a Taxify driver in Lagos last night here. Taxify has now reacted to the alleged abduction incident that happened between one of their drivers and the actress.
According to the story she shared on social media, the driver fully locked her in his car, drove to a random house, then tried to drag her into it. She revealed she was saved by her pepper spray which she emptied on his face.
Dorcas Shola Fapson has an undergraduate degree in criminology before she made the decision to pursue her passion for acting.
Read below Taxify’s statement…
“Early today, we received troubling news of an incident that occurred between a (male) driver-partner and a (female) rider on our platform where allegations of harassment and violence have been made.
Upon receiving news of this incident, we immediately contacted the rider and expressed our concern to her in person. Our lawyers have petitioned the State Intelligence Bureau and the Nigerian Police Force to take up the matter. The incident is currently under investigation with these authorities and we are giving all the necessary cooperation.
We at Taxify are committed to providing reliable ride experiences for our riders. Creating a safe and healthy experience is an absolute part of this.
We have zero tolerance for any and all forms of harassment and violence.
It is our policy to immediately ensure that upon such serious allegations – as in this case – the drivers account and access to the platform are taken away, which we have done.
We will be following the case with the State Intelligence Bureau and the Police keenly. We are determined to help see it to a just resolution.”
We hope the issue is resolved soon.